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iamsharonlow @blogspot.com ♥
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Well, guess what i have done worth nothing.
His friend is not happy with me, he is not happy with me....
Hmm... he is packing his stuff without waiting me home and discuss the matter.
I've been wondering, is he waiting for the good moment to get rid of me?
Seriously, he doesn't know how much i care and how i feel to fulfill all his demand.
He is quite a demanding person, and all the while i tried my BEST to become what he wants.
NO ONE is PERFECT!! I'm one of them, you can't totally change a person into another person rite?
You are who you are, but i care how he feels.... i'm doing all i can to make him feels better.
But sometimes, you just can't stand with all those things.... you pissed off!!??? RIGHT???
And when you are in a bad mood, what usually your bf do to you?
Shout at you?!! or Darling, stop crying... i'm sorry. Don't cry my sweet heart~~ ???
Which one??? I'm confusing... don't i deserve the second one?
All along, i have been trying so hard to keep this relationship! I mean it...HARD!
But tonight, i know... it's actually all shit that i have messed up.
He don't really bother bout me anymore, pack up the things and SAYONARA.
He told me, everything is over.... no need to tell more all those craps.
Maybe he is right, i'm the crap ....
I think he miss his LUXURY lifes.... He got plenty of Women go after him~
Hmm... well, i got nothing to say.
If he really thinks i'm such a crap then go ahead....
I got nothing to say...
Monday, June 15, 2009

Today morning, someone light up my fire....
Let's call this person "A", he is one of the office boy in my office.
Umm... how to define him ya.
As long as i know he is not the boss =P

Well, this "A" recently trying to act like a boss....
I can't tahan with his bossy attitude.
For an example, you would say " Hi good morning "A", do you have this document for yada yada project?"
He answer me in this way: " 11.44am/16Jun2009, check your email!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wow...this is how he works?
How the way handover the projects to me...
Hello "A", i'm new.... someone please guide me, don't just forward all the email and consider your task is done.

Can't he answer in another way?
"Hi, please check your email that i have sent to you on yada yada date and time....."

My boss doesn't even act in such way....
I felt angry? YES I DO!!!!!
I have always keep quiet doesn't mean i'm good for you to "bully". >.<

So many people are not happy with his "bossy" attitude...
Ok, that's clear it's not me who came up with the issue!
Because people know what they are seeing, they are not blind.

You know what Mr."A", if you read through my blog.... here's the thing i wanted to tell you.
" Please don't try to act bossy in such way if you are not the boss, and if you are one of the bosses also, so far none of the bosses act in such way. If you act in a such way, sorry i have to say you are not suitable to become a boss. That is because bosses share their knowledge too, bosses doesn't act in the way you act, please make it clear, thank you!"

People told me to take that as a compliment, sorry.... not for me.
And don't try to mess up with me as i'm trying to be so friendly and nice to you and you treat me back with your bossy way, yeah...i HATE it.

I don't want to get too close with you, "commitment" will be the word ( i think so... XD)
I hate it now as i'm same team with you, grrr!!!!

Please treat people nicely so that you'll get the return on how you treat them normally.
It's true, take it as an advise.

One more thing, when someone is teaching a person....
Just do your task, people share knowledge and everyone is a teacher as long as they have learned. They pass down the knowledge they have learned to another person and this is what we call "SHARING" !!

Thank you... sorry i just burst out, cos' i really cannot stand it anymore with your bossy attitude.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Today i was planning to shower my cat, and my bf told me that she cannot take shower at the moment.
I ask why.... he said: " She is loosing her fur on the head..... two bald spot!!!!"

"Oh my gosh, i went and checked.... indeed just like what my bf have told me! Two bald spot!!!"
So we then took her to the pet shop that we used to visit all the time at Sri Petaling ; "HOME PET" it is.

Uncle Jimmy always gave us alot of his advise to us, so we went there and then realise that it is actually not as serious as we thought.

He told us that it is because due to the skin dryness so that's why Bell is loosing out her fur.
I have bought her fish liver oil capsule, Uncle Jimmy said she will be recovering soon around 1-2 months time.

We then left Bell at the pet shop for shower and then head for lunch.
After Bell is done, we went back and check on her.... and then it shocked me to the hell!
Under neck of Bell, another big bald spot with red wound...she scratch it i think so.

I feel so bad as a owner, i should have check more often on her.
At first i thought it is because she is now growing up and start to change some new fur, that's why it's normal... and it kept on going until today with bald spots. *sob...sob....*

I feel like i want to cry so badly for her, it's hurt me as well seeing her becoming like that.
Hope she get well soon.... i'll show you my lovely Bell someday as i promised, as i need to gather all her photo and post here (need to choose good one, hehe...)

Ok, till then ....Aliyos!!!! ^___^v

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Haiz.... wondering why my life could be so boring for every Saturday i had.
Can't i get some interesting activities for weekends?

Last night i went to "Poppy" XD (Club)
A friend of mine came back from Shanghai, and last night we have fun in Poppy cos today, he flew back to Shanghai .... (sob...sob...)

Anyway, back to the topic....who mind to go out with me?
Sing K, shopping.... i don't want to hang out to cyber cafe everyday and even for weekend.
Gosh, i 'm turning crazy.....

I'm becoming one of those ppl called "Yellow Face Aunty" (黃臉婆)
I don't turn into those "creatures" >.<" ...... Jk, no offence ya =P

Think i need to plan activities for my weekend, where is that girl anywhere "Audrey!! Where are you? I thought we suppose to join dancing class!!!"

Need to get rid of my tummy and keep young and healthy.... i can't believe i'm turning into 23!!!!!! Yaiksss....!!! Wrickles.... fat..... and fat...... ~~~

Hmm...is there anyone who work in PR line?
Any vacancy? So boring sitting in the office, i want something exciting.....

My Saturday, i'm sitting in front of the monitor.... looks dumb dumb.... ( at cyber cafe)
Shit!!! What life is this....going to get rid of it!!!

Gotta go.... going back home do nothing.
Hmm...maybe i can shower my cat (her name is Bell).
I'll introduce to you all someday.


Highclass? Standard? Cheap?
What is that suppose to mean???

I just don't understand, why people must judge a person from their look?
Don't try to judge me as well, you will never know until you really get's to know me.

As long as the person is kind, lovely ........(i know who my friend is)
It's alright to be with them right?

I mean i didn't try to say that the lawyer or doctor is not a good friend to be with,
but still we can't just judge someone from their look or how they behave just because they smoke? or Drink? or BadOutfit?

Oh come on! You'll get to learn to know someone when you really know them.
It's isn't fair if you just judge them like that, people will not be happy when they hear it.

Pay some respect to other people, if you don't know about that particular person then better just don't voice out your "truth".
It makes thing worst......

I like my friends, as they always be there for me when i face problems.
They SHARE their care, LISTEN to me, and they make me feel like i'm not ALONE!

I hope someone understand what i'm trying to say if that person look through my blog.
I'm not trying to justify you that you are wrong, but just don't try to insult my friends.

I know your message, i understand.
Hopes you understand my message too.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Wow.... i hate Monday, haha....
Today wasn't feeling so well, gosh my gastric is back.
And meeting in the morning, and bla bla bla......

Guys, if someone told you that he stay because he is worry about you and that he will leave you once you know how to take of yourself, what exactly does it means???

Hmm...so complicated, i've tried to talk to him last night.
Seems like ok, i want my life back....
i want my friends too....
And he seems to be ok for me.

Well, what's next?
Erm....try to safe this relationship as it's precious to me but at the same time, i won't agree to decide with the thing i feel that it's wrong .

I hope thing went smooth, i know his friends and my friends are giving us alot of advises;
His friends feel bad for him, my friends feel bad for me....
Still, it's our problem... we will fix it ourselves.
Thank you for supporting....

Well, let's start it again.....
Be happy, sunny day.... smile !!
Oppss... need to get back to work, hehe~~

My New Kitty..... Can give some suggestion on his name??
Thanks ....
Thursday, June 4, 2009

I feel so numb now, am i sad?
Got no idea, can't concentrate on my work.

I never thought i will experience this pain again, i thought we can just like" happily ever after".
That's just fairytale, never did happen to me.
What else i can do?

Will he still at home waiting for me and give another chance?
Or he already choose to be cruel-hearted just one time, and he except from my "evil hands".
I don't know what i will do....

Whenever i face this situation, i want to be alone.....
I want to shout and i want to cry hard; then go for a good sleep....
Can't believe i'm going through all of these again.

How funny i am, i think we will ended up become husband and wife.
He is right, i'm funny for thinking in such way.....
How possible to become husband & wife as we keep "bang" to each other.

How's my life going to be?
Keep scrolling up and down at my contact book, find someone out for drinks.
Register for some classes to fill up my time....
Online internet game, watch movie.....

Yeah, my old life...way back to old practise.
I must be tough this time, no anger.....
I'm not always right, maybe he is right......
I am annoying not only to him, but also his friends too.

That's is why almost 2 years i still can't click on with them.
Won't put me into their list when they hang out .....
Cos' i just can't fit in ; i failed to make myself to fit in with them.

So long after 2 years, i'm back to single again.
( 4 relationships.... i'm looser in this "game".)